According to the analyst Rodman & Renshaw, The second generation iPad of Apple which is going to be released very soon will feature a dual core Processor in order to compete with Android “Honeycomb” based Motorola Tablet and RIM PlayBook. If iPad 2 comes with Dual Core Processor then it will be the first iOS product from Apple to sport a dual core chip.
According to the analyst:
Apple is on track to refresh the iPad by March and iPhone by late summer. A key component upgrade across these platforms will be a dual-core processor featuring a pair of 1GHz ARM Cortex A9 cores.
As the current iPad and iPhone 4 uses the same A4 CPU so Apple will use the same Dual Core Processor in iPhone 5 that they are going to use in second generation iPad. Stay tuned with us we will update you as soon as we get any information regarding iPad. Don’t forget to share your views in the comment section below.